Nginx HTTP Server: the book

I am glad to to announce the first Nginx book on the market: Nginx HTTP Server, written by... me. :-)

"Adopt Nginx for your web applications to make the most of your infrastructure and server pages faster than ever."
Focused on the primary aspect of Nginx (HTTP serving), the book covers the following topics:
  • Get started with Nginx to serve websites faster and safer
  • Learn to configure your servers and virtual hosts efficiently
  • Set up Nginx to work with PHP and other applications via FastCGI
  • Explore possible interactions between Nginx and Apache to get the best of both worlds
  • A step-by-step guide to switching from Apache to Nginx
  • Complete configuration directive and module reference
There are 8 chapters and 3 appendices, listed here:
  • 1. Preparing your work environment: getting ready to work under a command-line environment, with a reminder on the basic tools and commands.
  • 2. Downloading and installing Nginx: downloading the source, the prerequisites, building the application, installing it and learning to solve installation issues.
  • 3. Nginx core configuration: configuring the core modules and optimizing your setup for your current hardware architecture.
  • 4. HTTP configuration: configuring the HTTP core module (virtual hosts, http/server/location blocks...)
  • 5. Module configuration: configuring and using additional modules such as the rewrite module, SSI module and all other first-party modules.
  • 6. Setting up Nginx to work with PHP and Python: learn to use the FastCGI module to set up PHP with Nginx, then Python.
  • 7. Setting up Nginx as a reverse proxy: discovering the Proxy module and setting up a reverse proxied architecture with Nginx as frontend and Apache as backend.
  • 8. Switching from Apache to Nginx: a complete guide to switching from Apache to Nginx, covering everything including converting Apache rewrite rules to Nginx.
  • Appendix A: full directive index. A list and description of all configuration directives, sorted alphabetically. Module directives are also described in their respective chapters too.
  • Appendix B: full module reference. A detailed list of all available modules.
  • Appendix C: troubleshooting. Discusses the most common issues that administrators face when they configure Nginx.
By covering both early setup stages and advanced topics, this book will suit web administrators interested in solutions to optimize their infrastructure, whether they are looking into replacing existing web server software or integrating a new tool cooperating with applications already up and running. If you, your visitors, and your operating system have been disappointed by Apache, this book is exactly what you need.

The book will be available online as eBook and of course in libraries in the major english speaking countries: USA, UK, India, Canada (to be confirmed) and many more. You will find more information and descriptions over at the publisher's website: click here to see the official page about the first Nginx book.

PS: In fact, it appears that there is already a book about Nginx, but it was written in Chinese and never translated and published on the western markets.


bob.monteverde said…
Hey, I recently found your book on nginx's homepage. Sadly, I have yet to speak with one person who has read it (did some web searches as well as checked out the nginx IRC channel on freenode). I've been using nginx few a few months now, very happy with it. Running Nginx/PHP(fastcgi)/Mysql on a very low end server, and planning on setting up a nginx/python(maybe mako/pylons)/mysql on another. To get to my point, it seems like the book covers some slightly too basic topics, and worries me that there may be to much fluff and not as dense material. Anyway, I have a few questions, and even tho your opinions may be biased (I mean, you are the author, I hope you feel good about your work), I don't have anyone else to ask.

I'm interested in how much time is spent on the following topics:
PHP optimizations (based on server hardware, and number of server requests)
Python (how detailed do you go on running python with nginx... as well as are topics such as integrating any popular frameworks)
Scalability (multiple servers... from load balancing, to concentrating on servers for specific tasks)
Windows (I don't do anything with windows, other than graphic design, and things like putty are trivial, I just wanna know how much time is devoted to the people that do, as well as is there any time spent on .NET and ASP topics)

Anyway, I have more to ask, but figured I'd start somewhere. I'm very glad to see that someone has written a book on this topic (finally) and will probably end up ordering it either way, just figured I'd get some more info since there are no reviews yet (maybe all/most nginx users are broke/cheap bastards like me), and figured others might be interested.
Hello Bob,

unfortunately with only 250 pages and the necessity to cover basic topics, there was not much room left for advanced topics like the ones you mentioned. It would be interesting to see if someone could come up with a book detailing more complex topics, sadly I do not have the energy to do so after having spent months on this one.

With the stuff that you have achieved (setting up Nginx+PHP+etc.) you clearly don't need this book, you probably wouldn't learn much other than details on specific directives. At best, you'd enjoy the directive reference and the module details and examples, but I think you're probably confident enough to do everything that's covered in the book by yourself.

Anyhow, thanks for asking; I usually hang out on the #nginx IRC channel on Freenode if you have any more questions or if you want to talk to hardcore Nginx users.
Cliff Wells said…
I added a link to the front page of the Nginx wiki. Hopefully that will get you some attention =)
wow thanks a bunch Cliff! now hopefully we can port some of the information from the book to complete the Wiki (there are still some undocumented directives). The publisher authorized it already, we just need to find the people or the time to do so.
Anonymous said…
Hi, not sure if you'll see comments on really old posts but I'm having real issues getting the code bundle from Packt for the second edition. They tell me there isn't one! Any chance you could follow up with your publishers please?
Hello anonymous,
Yeah, there is actually one, but all it contains is 2 init scripts for Nginx, I'm sure you can find those in other places? If you insist on getting the ones I provide with my book I can ask the publisher. But again those scripts can be found all over the web...
Steve said…
Cool, thanks. I'm about 1/3 of the way through the book so didn't know there wasn't any more references to the scripts. Thanks for letting me know though!
william said…
For people having issues downloading the code bundle (init scripts) - login to PacktPub, go to the My Account section, then My eBooks. Select "Nginx HTTP SErver - Second Edition" (or whichever ebook interests you). You should see buttons to view PDF, ePub, etc., and one of the options is "Code Files."

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