PHPDocFill: write beautiful PHP documentation easily

Have you ever needed to write PHP code so fast that you didn't have time to properly comment it? These situations tend to happen a lot when you are being pressured by your boss (I know what I'm talking about) to deliver projects under strict deadlines. Once the project is delivered, it is always a pain if you ever have to come back to the code and comment it. 

To make it easier and more enjoyable to comment your PHP code (afterwards I suppose), I've developed a simple tool called PHPDocFill that does the following:
- scans the current folder and subfolder to find all php files in your project
- analyzes your PHP files to find PHPDoc documentable elements
- easily insert or edit documentation blocks
- it even generates a simple HTML manual based on the documentation found in all the files

Full documentation, information, downloads and screenshots are available on its official site.
Official site:


Paki said…
Excellent! :D
I don't use PHP often but the next time I'll try your tool ;)
Unknown said…
hi Clément!

Thank you for this good work.
However, I've spotted some bugs in your code :
- line 446 : you must declare the "UpdateDocBlock" function as static (for the line 638 to work)
- line 1071 : you should check that "Action" is a valid index for the "$_POST" array
- line 250 & 256 : the constant "T_SPECIAL_BRACKET" is undefined (at least, on my filthy IIS Server w/ PHP)
- line 274 & 275 : you should check that the index "$i+1" and "$i-1" exists in the "$tokens" array, moreover for the first and the last iteration. Other said, you should check that "$i" is ">0" for the "$i-1" part, and that "$i" is "<(count($tokens)-1)" for the "$i+1" part
- line 309 (it's a consequence of the above) : you should check that "$previousToken" exists (in the case of the first iteration, it's not true)
- line 364 : you should move the declaration of "$complete = 0" et "$total = 0" out of the two "if's" (so right under "$completion =-1" in order to be used in the return block at then end of the function
- line 381 : you should use two " " right after the "< /span>" (end of the "bullet") to be sure that the space is sufficient beetween the comment completion percentage and the name of the file (which is not the case, at least under Chrome)

I think that it's all. I'm sorry if some of the errors I pointed out are only due to a bad configuration of my Web Server.

Hi Clément,
Thank you for the feedback.
Indeed I have not suppressed the NOTICE messages, so I will need to release a new beta soon.
Unknown said…
OK, good to know!
Unknown said…
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